From Lighthouse Books, ABAA, St. Petersburg Florida:
[Scott, Sir Walter] Ivanhoe, A Romance. By "The Author of Waverley," &c. Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constable and Co., 1820. 3 volumes. 1st edition, 1st issue, with pages 195-306 misnumbered 151-298. Octavo, early full tan polished calf rebacked in calf with contrasting calf labels. Bound with half-titles present, but without the 2 pages of ads found following Volume III. Grolier, English One Hundred, No. 100. $1,750.
TREASURES WE'RE BRINGING: This is a series that reveals some
of the special books dealers will be bringing to the Florida Antiquarian
Book Fair. Watch for more coming soon.
Awesome! Would be great to see these.