Friday, November 10, 2017

11/11 is Singles Day, and the team is scattered everywhere- join us, there's plenty of seats this week at Rare Book Cafe!

It’s 11/11, and in China, it’s Singles Day, the biggest shopping event of the year, when young singles celebrate and gift things to themselves.

Singly, Cafe co-host Lindsay Thompson will be all by his lonesome in the studio with producer Allan Smith: Steve & Edie Eisenstein are dealing with their persistent connectivity problems by ripping out their internet and cable services- root, vine and all.

Kara Accettola and Thorne Donnelley are in Boston; she for the Boston Book Fair, he for the Shadow Show. If the gods of wireless smile upon us, we’ll be on a Book Fair Walkabout with Kara live, with all her dealer friends.

Back in the studio, Allan and Lin will be rambling through the week’s book news, literary birthdays, and a remembrance of the UK author Hector Hugh Munro (aka Saki), who died in World War I 101 years ago this coming week with a reading of one of his famously mordant stories.

And we’ll be making up all kinds of other stuff as we go. Join us, and the fun as we sip our espressos and talk rare books!


Rare Book Cafe is streamed by the Florida Antiquarian Book Fair every Saturday from 2.30 to 3.30 pm EDT. We feature interviews, panel discussion and stuff you can learn about book collecting whether you are a regular at Sotheby’s or just someone who likes books.

The program airs live on Rare Book Cafe’s Facebook page, and remain there after the show.
The program’s regular guests include Miami book dealer, appraiser and’s Bucks on the Bookshelf radio show creator Steven Eisenstein, Thorne Donnelley of Liberty Book Store in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida; Lindsay Thompson of Charlotte’s Henry Bemis Books; miniature books expert Edie Eisenstein; ephemera expert Kara Accettola; and program creator/producer T. Allan Smith.

We enjoy the support and encouragement of these booksellers: Little Sages Books in Hollywood, Florida; Liberty Books in Palm Beach Gardens; As Time Goes By, in Marion, Alabama; Quill & Brush in Dickerson, Maryland; Lighthouse Books in St. Petersburg; The Ridge Books in Calhoun, Georgia; and Henry Bemis Books in Charlotte.

Rare Book Cafe program encourages viewer participation via its interactive features and video: if you've got an interesting book, join the panel and show it to us! If you’d like to ask the team a question or join us in the virtually live studio audience for the program, write us at

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