Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Books from Key Largo: an island dealer talks paradise, sunshine, and collecting on Rare Book Cafe!

Blind Horse Books is operated by Richard and Dottie Oates, retired educators who live in the Florida Keys. The couple are internet book sales pioneers, having opened their online shop in 1999.

“Though we specialize in travel, exploration and geography books from the mid-19th Century to World War II,” they’re written, “our site has books of note for all interests.  Let us know if you have specific interests and we will contact you when we find material you might enjoy.”

Blind Horse Books is a member of the antiquarian booksellers' associations of Florida and the United States, and the International Online Booksellers Association.

The Oatses are regulars at the Florida Antiquarian Book Fair and will be giving us a preview of the treasures they plan to bring forth from their island fastness.

We’re looking forward to talking with Richard about these, and many other things, this Saturday, February 10th’s Rare Book Cafe!

Rare Book Cafe is streamed every Saturday from 2.30 to 3.30 pm EDT. We feature interviews, panel discussion and stuff you can learn about book collecting whether you are a regular at Sotheby’s or just someone who likes books.

The program airs live on Rare Book Cafe’s Facebook page, and remain there after the show.

The program’s regular guests include Miami book dealer, appraiser and WDBFRadio.com’s Bucks on the Bookshelf radio show creator Steven Eisenstein, Thorne Donnelley of Liberty Book Store in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida; Lindsay Thompson of Charlotte’s Henry Bemis Books; miniature books expert Edie Eisenstein;  and program creator/producer T. Allan Smith.

We enjoy the support and encouragement of these booksellers:A Bric-A-Brac in Miami;  Little Sages Books in Hollywood, Florida; Liberty Books in Palm Beach Gardens; As Time Goes By, in Marion, Alabama; Quill & Brush in Dickerson, Maryland; Lighthouse Books in St. Petersburg; The Ridge Books in Calhoun, Georgia; A-Bric-A-Brac in Miami Beach; and Henry Bemis Books in Charlotte.

 Rare Book Cafe program encourages viewer participation via its interactive features and video: if you've got an interesting book, join the panel and show it to us! If you’d like to ask the team a question or join us in the virtual live studio audience for the program, write us at rarebookcafe@gmail.com.

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