Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Rare Book Cafe, December 9: We're kicking off the holidays early!

Myrna Loy as Nora Charles in The Thin Man (1934)

Before we all drown in TV ads, shopping pressure, and a year’s worth of entertaining crammed into six weeks, the Cafe’s holding our holidays show early: this Saturday, December 9.

Classic and rare Christmas books will be on the table, and we’ll be talking of books of other faiths in our worldwide audience. Edie Eisenstein will be pulling more fascinating miniature books from her stocking!

Our Statler and Waldorf- Thorne Donnelley and Lindsay Thompson- dream of a Revisionist Christmas, one of off-the-wall holiday books and the true tale of Clement Clarke Moore: scholar, New York land speculator, property rights absolutist- real and human- and alleged author of “Twas the Night Before Christmas.”

Moore’s impact on the modern look and layout of Manhattan is as great- in real terms- as the intangible influence of the poem many scholars say he didn’t write. The unknown story of the name on the verses makes a great sleigh ride through history.

And who can speak of Christmas without considering rare and collectible Christmas titles?

Steve Eistenstein's new occasional feature, "Notes from the Field," will launch with a big new appraisal project: the library of a deceased plastic surgeon.


Rare Book Cafe is streamed by the Florida Antiquarian Book Fair every Saturday from 2.30 to 3.30 pm EDT. We feature interviews, panel discussion and stuff you can learn about book collecting whether you are a regular at Sotheby’s or just someone who likes books.

The program airs live on Rare Book Cafe’s Facebook page, and remain there after the show.

The program’s regular guests include Miami book dealer, appraiser and’s Bucks on the Bookshelf radio show creator Steven Eisenstein, Thorne Donnelley of Liberty Book Store in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida; Lindsay Thompson of Charlotte’s Henry Bemis Books; miniature books expert Edie Eisenstein; ephemera expert Kara Accettola; and program creator/producer T. Allan Smith.

We enjoy the support and encouragement of these booksellers:A Bric-A-Brac in Miami;  Little Sages Books in Hollywood, Florida; Liberty Books in Palm Beach Gardens; As Time Goes By, in Marion, Alabama; Quill & Brush in Dickerson, Maryland; Lighthouse Books in St. Petersburg; The Ridge Books in Calhoun, Georgia; and Henry Bemis Books in Charlotte.

Rare Book Cafe program encourages viewer participation via its interactive features and video: if you've got an interesting book, join the panel and show it to us! If you’d like to ask the team a question or join us in the virtually live studio audience for the program, write us at

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